Horse For Sale


Location: Bath, Pennsylvania
Breed:Percheron Color: Black
Date Foaled:May, 2016 Gender:Gelding
Current Height:16.0 HH Weight:1800

"Gorgeous Black 16h, 8 year old PERCHERON Gelding"

Price: $9900

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RIDES AND DRIVES and is built correct! He is a solid horse and good around traffic.  BRUCE has been hitched to all farm equipment and has done everything from ring riding, field work, wagon rides, to trail rides!  Wonderful horse with a good head that would make a perfect mount and is a perfect police horse prospect.  Bruce is healthy, no vices, and no known soundness issues. With his willing personality, he loves to learn and do new things!
If you are looking for a kind, loving beautiful black Percheron, look no farther! Bruce moves away from leg pressure, rides in a snaffle or shank bit and transitions smoothly into each gait with a great stop.
Bruce RIDES nice under saddle. He has a DREAMY trot (like riding on a couch)!  He stands well to be mounted and dismounted. Great for vet and farrier.  No shoeing stocks needed.
This handsome solid boy would be perfect in trail classes, be your best trail riding mount, or would a wonderful husband or police horse! He handles obstacles well. He has started training on turning on his forehand, hindquarters, collection, and lateral movement.
He DRIVES in multiple hitches, great in a team and can go single with an experienced driver.
He is easy to catch, leads well, and loads and trailers perfectly.  He is quiet with or without other horses around and going to new places.
The reason I am selling him is:  he was purchased as a teammate for my other horse but they do not match as hoped.  He is a great, quiet, and correctly put together Percheron!
Bruce is up to date on shots, worming and has a current negative coggins. His teeth are maintained by the dentist yearly and his feet are done every 5 weeks by the farrier.
Bruce love attention and stands well to be groomed, harnessed, saddled, bathed/clipped and blanketed . He lowers his head to be bridled. Bruce stands quietly and ground ties. He also responds to many voice commands.
He gets along nicely with other horses in a herd.  He’s suitable for larger riders and good with confident riders.  He has good manners and has some natural horsemanship training.
He gets attention wherever you take him. He is ready to go for riding and most carriage and wagon jobs out there.

First $9,900 to the right home takes him
Located Lehigh Valley Pa
Feel free to call/text 610-730-497three for more photos or to set up a time to meet him/try him out.
Click/copy for his VIDEOS:

For more information contact:

Korie Kalavoda
po box 11
Bath, Pennsylvania 18014
Phone 6107304973

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This ad has been viewed 725 times since created on 2024-03-25
Last modified on 2024-03-26
Last renewed on 2024-03-25

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