Horse For Sale


Location: PRINCETON, Massachusetts
Breed:Mule Color: Dun
Date Foaled:April, 2022 Gender:Gelding
Current Height:13.2 HH Weight:600

"2 y/o Appaloosa Mule"

Price: $12500

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Rocky is a 2 y/o Appaloosa mule gelding. It looks like his many beautiful spots are here to stay with no roaning/varnishing. Rocky ties, leads, and loves to be ponied off another horse at a walk, trot, canter in the indoor arena, outdoor rings, dirt roads, fields and trails. He will be super-easy to ride in another year with his current training. Rocky loves attention and will continue to flourish in a setting where he will receive almost daily grooming with training sessions and positive attention which he cherishes. Rocky even has the donkey sign of the cross on his withers which is thought to be a sign of Gods love for the world. Rocky gets along perfectly with other horses and enjoys some horseplay with his mates.

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Ad Reference Number is 664ead0ac8258
This ad has been viewed 533 times since created on 2024-05-22
Last modified on 2024-05-23
Last renewed on 2024-05-22

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